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Khalid E. Al Ani

Khalid E. Al Ani

Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Jadara University, Irbid, Jordan


Professor Al Ani has completed his PhD at the age of 26 years from Southampton University - England , UK,  and postdoctoral studies from Texas University, Austin, Texas - USA .He was a visiting professor at Liverpool University at the Inorganic and industrial department, Liverpool – England, UK.. He has a professor post at Baghdad University, Department of Physical Chemistry – Iraq, a professor of physical chemistry at Oran University of science and technology – Algeria, also at the Hashemite University – Jordan.  He was dean of Faculty of Pharmacy (2014 – 2017) at Jadara University, Jordan. Currently, he is Head of the Pharmaceutical since department at Jadara university – Irbid, Jordan. He has published more than 48 original articles in international journals, and attended more than 19 international conferences around the world.



Abstract : Photochemical Reactions in the Irradiated Poly (para- substituted Styrene) in Solid films and in Solutions