Ying Wan
Shanghai Normal University, China
Ying Wan received her Ph.D. degree in Industrial Catalysis from the East China University of Science and Technology in 2002. Then, she joined Shanghai Normal University where she was promoted to a full professor in 2006. In 2005-2007, she carried out her postdoctoral research at Fudan University working with Professor Dongyuan Zhao. Currently, Professor Ying Wan is the leader of the Program for Innovative Research Team in University, China. Her research focuses on sintering-, and poisoning-resistance metal nanocatalysts supported on mesoporous carbons, and their applications in green organic synthesis and energy chemistry. She has contributed to about 70 peer-reviewed scientific publications with more than 7000-times citations and 3 books. She has been an associate editor of Journal of Porous Materials since 2013.