N. Baydogan
Energy Institute, Istanbul, Turkey
Title: The behaviou of boron carbide (b4c) powder on borax/pmma composite surface
Biography: N. Baydogan
The results of this study indicated that boron carbide (B4C) powder has been cleanly penetrated to the poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) with little observed deformation. B4C powder and PMMA integration was observed at the cracking surface at both od side of PMMA. Boron carbide powder was used to examine crack nucleation, propagation, and coalescence on PMMA. The rise of borax amount in PMMA caused to decrease the detection of the cracking within the composite as a function of borax amount. Two experimental configurations were used to obtain such data and each highlighted the practical difficulties associated with the measurements. This demonstrated the need for well-defined and systematic series of experiments to examine single crack behavior. Further effort is evaluated to provide quantitative interpretation of cracking and to extend the service life of PMMA with the densification.