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Joong Tark Han

Joong Tark Han

Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute, Republic of Korea

Title: Nanocarbon based electrode technology for soft electronics


Biography: Joong Tark Han


Flexible electrodes fabricated with conducting soft electromaterials such as carbon nanotubes (CNTs), graphene and metal nanowires are of great interest for various applications, ranging from alternative electrodes for flexible electronics. However, the difficulty in processing these soft electro materials represents one of the key challenges to researchers working in this area. In this talk, author will present his recent progress in synthesis of nanocarbon hybrid materials and their processing technologies for applications in flexible electrode technology towards soft electronics. The judicious use of supramolecular chemistry and interfacial engineering technology allows fabrication of printable, spinnable, and chemically compatible conducting pastes with high-quality nanocarbon (NC) materials, useful in flexible electronics and textile electronics.